Title: “I am with You” (ISBN: 978-81-967004-0-9)
Date of Publication: 2 October 2024
Author: Kailas Jhaveri
Description: This book chronicles the author’s life and work in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, and relates Ashram how she came into contact with the works of Sri Aurobindo while a student in Mumbai and then spent ten years in the U.S.A., and details of her close contact with the Mother between 1964 and 1973 and the various work she undertook, particularly for the project of Auroville in its earliest stages and with Richard Pearson on the spiritual significance of flowers. The title I am with you becomes thereby not only the Divine assurance for one person but for all who struggle and hope and aspire to make this earth a better place. Thus everyone can find something of interest for himself, something inspiring, even something that meets his unique need in this book.
Number of pages: 348
To download this free e-book, kindly click on the following link:

Title: Char Dashak Aager Dingulo (ISBN : 978-93-83165-52-4)
Date of Publication: 17 May 2021
Author: Sahana Devi (Translator: Sakrajit Ghose)
Language: Bengali
Description: A translation of Sahana Devi’s ‘Forty Years Ago’ into Bengali, this book provides an interesting account of the early years of Sri Aurobindo Ashram as well as Sahana Devi’s recollections of her life under the spiritual aegis of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The letters of Sri Aurobindo included in this book would surely be of immense help to the practitioner of Integral Yoga.
Number of pages: 60
Price: Rs. 150 (One Hundred and Fifty) only.

Title: The Sublime Guides (ISBN: 978-81-967004-9-2)
Date of Publication: 15 August 2024
Author: Manoj Das
Description: “The Sublime Guides” is an anthology of twenty-four essays authored by Manoj Das discussing the lives, vision and contributions of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which were published in various newspapers, journals and commemorative volumes between 1972 and 2020. To quote the words of the author: “Sri Aurobindo passed away on the 5th of December, 1950. The Mother carried on his Yoga of transformation till her passing away on the 17th of November 1973. But the end they pursued had been achieved; the power they wished to bring down and establish in the earth consciousness is at work. It is a matter of time for its effect to become evident… The world is surely, though slowly, waking up to the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Their vision does not suggest any alternative to ideology or philosophy, but promises a touch of fulfilment to all the genuine aspiration of mankind.”
Number of pages: 211
Price: Rs. 350 (Three Hundred and Fifty) only

Title: Poetry of the Future in the Light of Sri Aurobindo (ISBN: 978-81-967004-5-4)
Date of Publication: 15 August 2024
Author: Madhumita Dutta
Description: “Poetry of the Future in the Light of Sri Aurobindo” is a chapter-by-chapter summarization and analysis of Sri Aurobindo’s masterpiece, “The Future Poetry”, to bring out the essence of the book with a view to understand poetry and communicate the author’s comprehension of the contents and substance of the book. A most scholarly exposition and the very first book of its kind, “Poetry of the Future” illustrates the blue-print for future poetry as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo.
Number of pages: 353
Price: Rs. 550 (Five Hundred and Fifty) only

Title: Sadhan-Prosongo: Shrimat Anirvan-er sathe Alapon (ISBN: 978-81-967004-8-5)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2024
Author: Suprokash Mukhopadhay
Language: Bengali
Description: This book includes Shrimat Anirvan’s enlightening conversations on Sadhana and various scriptures of ancient India. It also includes four illuminating discourses by him on Moksha, Dikksha, Savitri (Sri Aurobindo’s epic-poem) and Isa Upanishad, a number of his unpublished correspondence and soul-touching reminiscences recounted by Dr. Suprokash Mukhopadhyay and his wife, Suchitra Mukhopadhyay.
Number of pages: 384
Price: Rs. 550 (Five Hundred and Fifty) only

Title: Sri Aurobindo-er Mrityurahasya O Onanyo Rachana (ISBN: 978-81-967004-2-3)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2024
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is an anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s unpublished writings such as ‘Sri Aurobindo-er Mrityurahasya’, ‘Sri Aurobindo-er Yogdarshan’, ‘Savitri Kabyer Akhyan O Bishoy Binyas’, ‘Manosottwor’, ‘Surer Baul’, ‘Gayatri Mantrer Tatparjo’, ‘Smaranika’ etc. and enlightening letters written to seekers of spiritual light and wisdom.
Number of pages: 125
Price: Rs. 250 (Two Hundred and Fifty) only.

Title: Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretation of Indian Culture (ISBN: 978-81-960391-8-9)
Date of Publication: 1 January 2024
Author: Prema Nandakumar
Description: The introductory chapter touches upon the reawakening in India to the glorious past and Sri Aurobindo’s advice in the “Foundations of Indian Culture” not to sleep anymore but heed to the Upanishadic call, “Awake, arise!” Through chapters devoted to “The Vedas”, “The Upanishads”, “The Epics”, “Kalidasa”, “The Classical Age”, “The Puranas” and “The New Efflorescence”, the author has discussed the impact of the deep and wide presence of Sanskrit till one reached the tenth century when the regional languages poured in an infinite amount of literary works making the whole of India impregnable in the matter of recordation.
Through the chapters on “Indian Religion and Spirituality”, “The Four Instruments of Indian Religion”, “The Three Basic Ideas of Indian Religion”, “Why Religion?”, “Sanatana Dharma: The Religion Eternal” and “A Rich, All-round Life”, the author has shown how the term ‘religion’ has had a hard time since the last century, and the educated Indian has been confused to understand the terms, faith and unbelief and explains how Sri Aurobindo’s words bring clarity to us and never allow us to lose ourselves in the fog of depression for he “seems to command us that we should format our lives with the Delight of Existence, the Divine!”
Number of pages: 350 (hardbound with jacket)
Price: Rs. 650 (Six Hundred Fifty) only.

Title: Sri Aurobindo (ISBN : 978-81-967004-7-8)
Date of Publication: 24 November 2023
Author: Pashupati Bhattacharya
Language: Bengali
Description: A lucid biography of Sri Aurobindo originally published in 1972 in which the reader would get to know details of Sri Aurobindo’s active political life and sadhana. A must read for those who would like to have an introduction to the life and works of Sri Aurobindo.
Number of pages: 81
Price: Rs. 200 (Two Hundred) only.

Title: Sri Aurobindo: Jeeban-Kathika (ISBN : ISBN : 978-81-960391-9-6)
Date of Publication: 24 November 2023
Author: Promod Kumar Sen
Language: Bengali
Description: A brief biography of Sri Aurobindo written in simple and yet captivating style which provides an excellent introduction to the life and works of Sri Aurobindo.
Number of pages: 47
Price: Rs. 150 (One Hundred and Fifty) only.

Title: Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram in Contemporary Newspapers: Volume 1 (ISBN: 978-81-957374-4-4)
Date of Publication: 15 August 2023.
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Description: The first volume of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram in Contemporary Newspapers consists of press reports from the period 1909 (that is, after Sri Aurobindo’s acquittal from the Alipore Bomb Trial) to 1935. Every available news and articles — including those published in various magazines — irrespective of their nature, as well as reviews of Sri Aurobindo’s books, have been included in this volume. On one hand there are eloquent tributes paid to Sri Aurobindo and on the other hand there are harsh criticisms as well as misrepresentation of facts. Nothing has been left out considering the historical significance of these reports.
Number of pages: 708 (hardbound and printed in royal size with jacket)
Price: Rs. 1150.

Title: Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram in Contemporary Newspapers: Volume 2 (ISBN: 978-81-957374-0-6)
Date of Publication: 15 August 2023.
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Description: The second volume of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram in Contemporary Newspapers consists of press reports from the period 1936 to 1940. Every available news and articles — including those published in various magazines — irrespective of their nature, as well as reviews of Sri Aurobindo’s books, have been included in this volume. On one hand there are eloquent tributes paid to Sri Aurobindo and on the other hand there are harsh criticisms as well as misrepresentation of facts. Nothing has been left out considering the historical significance of these reports.
Number of pages: 618 (hardbound and printed in royal size with jacket)
Price: Rs. 1050.

Title: Chirantani (ISBN: 978-81-960391-7-2)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2023
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is an anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s unpublished writings on the Gita, Bhagwat, Yoga and spirituality and also contains his enlightening answers to questions on the practise of spirituality in one’s daily life.
Number of pages: 239
Price: Rs. 350 (Three Hundred and Fifty) only.

Title: Paris-er Chithi (ISBN: 978-81-957374-8-2)
Date of Publication: 29 March 2023
Author: Prithwindranath Mukhopadhyay
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is a collection of open letters written by the author and published in the famous Bengali magazine, Desh, in the late 1960s and early 1970s in which the author has presented a first-hand description of notable events which had taken place in France as well as his meetings with luminaries like the Pope and Alexandra David-Neel.
Number of pages: 147
Price: Rs. 260 (Two Hundred and Sixty only).

Title: Pondicherry-er Gandi Chere (ISBN: 978-81-960391-3-4)
Date of Publication: 29 March 2023
Author: Prithwindranath Mukhopadhyay
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is an autobiographical account of the author which chronicles his journey from being an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, to his becoming a citizen of Paris and a member of French intelligentsia. It illustrates the warm relationship he and his family had with the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, and provides a glimpse of an unknown side of Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Number of pages: 240
Price: Rs. 350 (Three Hundred and Fifty only).

Title: How They Came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Volume 5 (ISBN : 978-81-960391-0-3)
Date of Publication: 21 February 2023
Author: Shyam Kumari
Description: This book includes true stories of thirty seven aspirants (like K. Amrita, Amal Kiran alias K.D. Sethna, Esha Mukherjee, Udar Pinto, Surendranath Jauhar, Parichand Kothari, Maggi, etc.) and their spiritual adventures. These stories chronicle the events from their first spiritual awakening and lead up to the moment of their coming to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. In some of the stories, the author has included later events of the aspirants’ lives specially those which are connected with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Through each of these stories the love and consciousness of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother run like golden notes.
Number of pages: 402
Price: Rs. 500 (Five Hundred) only.

Title: Anandalahari (ISBN: 978-81-957374-3-7)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2021
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: Translation of Acharya Sankara’s Saundaryalahari Devi-Stotra in verse.
Number of pages: 112
Price: Rs. 200 (Two Hundred) only.

Title: Pashyantika (ISBN: 978-81-957374-7-5)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2021
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: This book comprises four interpretative articles on Vedic themes, a detailed commentary on the Taittiriya Upanishad and two unpublished diaries in which a brief analysis of Patanjali’s Yogasutra has been made.
Number of pages: 232
Price: Rs. 330 (Three Hundred and Thirty) only.

Title: Sadansukti (ISBN: 978-81-960391-5-8)
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2021; second edition: 25 December 2023.
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: An anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s unpublished letters through which he has guided how sadhana can be done by a householder without relinquishing his worldly responsibilities. These letters also reveal his analysis and solutions of the political problems of India which prevailed in the 1960s and 1970s.
Number of pages: 156
Price: Rs. 250 (Two Hundred Fifty) only.

Title: Prachya O Pratichya Darshan (ISBN: 978-81-960391-1-0)
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2021; second edition: 25 December 2023.
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: A collection of articles on Indian and Western philosophies with special emphasis on the works of Descartes and Spinoza.
Number of pages: 84
Price: Rs. 180 (One Hundred Eighty) only.

Title: Punarjanma-Prosongo (ISBN: 978-81-960391-4-1)
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2021; second edition: 25 December 2023.
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: A chapter-wise explanation of Sri Aurobindo’s book, The Problem of Rebirth.
Number of pages: 112
Price: Rs. 225 (Two Hundred Twenty-five) only.

Title: Mrityu O Janmantor-Prasange (ISBN: 978-81-957374-5-1)
Date of Publication : First edition 8 July 2018; second revised and enlarged edition: 25 December 2023.
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: Mrityu O Janmantor-Prasange is an anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s writings on Death and Rebirth.
Number of pages: 160
Price: Rs. 260 (Two Hundred Sixty) only.

Title: Rachana-Sambhar (ISBN: 978-81-957374-6-8)
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2019; second edition: 25 December 2023.
Language: Bengali
Description: Rachana-Sambhar is an anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s unpublished writings on themes like spirituality and child-education. The titles of some of the articles included in this volume are as follows: Isa Vasyam, Ka Pantha, Shakti-Prasanga, Haimavati Uma, Krishnakatha, Gopibhav, Rathayatra, Panchayet, Nari-dharma, Maran-Rahasya, Shikkhoker Katha, Kathar Daam, Bicharak, Nalisher Nishpotti, Daaner Maan, Chayane Bipotti, Ku-Sango and Nitir Mulyo.
Number of pages: 158
Price: Rs. 260 (Two Hundred Sixty) only.

Title: Sri Aurobindo O Shri Ma-Prosongo (ISBN: 978-81-960391-2-7)
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2019; second edition: 25 December 2023.
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is a collection of Shrimat Anirvan’s invaluable writings on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Their philosophy and Yoga.
Number of pages: 144
Price: Rs. 250 (Two Hundred Fifty) only.
Title: Rachana-Vichitra (ISBN : 978-93-83165-52-0)
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 July 2017; second edition: January 2018; third edition: 8 July 2019.
Author: Shrimat Anirvan
Language: Bengali
Description: Rachana-Vichitra is an anthology of Shrimat Anirvan’s unpublished writings. It contains a number of thought-provoking articles on varied themes like spirituality, celibacy, education, sex-education, Aurobindonian philosophy, integral yoga along with a number of short stories and book-reviews written by the great savant. The titles of some of the articles included in this anthology are as follows: Bharatiya Sadhanaye Ma, Aditi, Shaktikatha, Mahashaktir Chaar Roop, Mahavakya-Vichar, Krishnakatha, Nabayoga, Sufibaad, Shikkha o Sanskar, Shikkhar Pran, Shikkhaye Jatiyata, Brahmacharya, Shishyer Mantra, Shikkhito Samaj, Shikkha-Mangal, Shikkha-Prathisthan, Niyam-Sanjom, Shashok, Nayak, Shikkhar Totka, Shikkha-Sanskar, Shikkhaye Samadhi, Shikkhak, Shikkhak-er Manovijnan, Shishumedh, Bartaman Shikkha, Chatra-samasya, Shikkha-prasange, Sharirik-Shikkha o Jouna-vijnan, Rupantar, Abhimani Chele, Shanto Shashon, Nachiketar Katha, Dharmadatta, Raja Kushik, Shukdever Janmakatha, Tatir Meye, Thakur Shri Shri Nigamananda-dev, Satabdir Surya, Manushing Tanum Ashritam, Sri Aurobindo-er Jiban-darshan, Sri Aurobindo-er Purna-yog, Bande Mataram, Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir, Rabindranath o Sri Aurobindo, etc.
Number of pages: 231
Price: Rs. 350 (Three Hundred Fifty) only.
Title: Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry: The Houses where He lived and the Objects that He used (ISBN: 978-93-83165-52-3)
Date of Publication: November 2019
Compiler: Tara Jauhar
Description: This album consists of more than 200 priceless photographs taken by Tara Jauhar of the houses where Sri Aurobindo had stayed in Pondicherry and objects which He had used.
Price: Rs. 300 (Three Hundred) only.
Title: Letters From A Baul (ISBN : 978-93-83165-53-1)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2018
Author: Sri Anirvan (Compiler: Lizelle Reymond)
Description: Letters from a Baul is mostly based on the letters of Sri Anirvan and the recorded conversations which took place between him and Lizelle Reymond in Almora. The chapters classified as ‘A State of Sahaja’, ‘Sāmkhya’, ‘Laws-Powers’, ‘Masters and Disciples’, ‘Method and Teaching’, ‘Observation of Oneself’, ‘Automatism’, ‘Consciousness’, ‘Sensations’, ‘Emotions’, ‘Knowledge’, ‘Life-Death’, ‘Facing Reality’, ‘Rambling Thoughts’, ‘Sādhanā’, ‘Bauls of Bengal’ and ‘Mystic Songs’ provide a dimension of the author’s Sāmkhya-thought.
Number of pages: 236
Price: Rs. 300 (Three Hundred) only.
Title: Madhu Madhobika
Author: Shyam Kumari (translator: Gopa Basu)
Date of Publication: 8 July 2019
Language: Bengali
Description: This book is an anthology of hundreds of beautiful but little-known vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is a book to cherish for all the devotees of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Number of pages: 150
Price: Rs. 220 (Two Hundred and Twenty) only.
Title: The Descent of the Blue
Date of Publication: September 2014
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Description: A drama in thirteen acts based on Sri Aurobindo’s life which concludes with Sri Aurobindo’s passing and the Mother’s immortal message to the disciples, The Descent of the Blue is a transparent glimpse into the vast consciousness that lies behind the momentous events of Sri Aurobindo’s life. It is alive with the resonance of the Master’s own utterances, with the blessingful presence of the Mother and the intense devotion of the early sadhaks.
Number of pages: 140.
Price: Rs. 220.
Title: Sri Aurobindo and His Essential Thoughts Volume I
Date of Publication: 24 April 2015
Description: An anthology of ten articles published in various magazines and booklets between 1940 and 1980 providing a wonderful introduction to Sri Aurobindo’s major works and his philosophy. The said articles include Sri Aurobindo and the Veda and Sri Aurobindo’s Life Divine: A Study by Vellury Chandrasekharam, Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretation of the Gita and Sri Aurobindo and Man’s Socio-Political Development by Charu Chandra Dutt, The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo: A Survey by Lotika Ghose, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo by Morwenna Donnelly, Sri Aurobindo and the Poetry of the Future by Sree Krishna Prasad, Sri Aurobindo and the Indian Tradition by Sanat K. Banerji, The Teachings of Sri Aurobindo by Arabinda Basu and The Message of Sri Aurobindo by Dr. Karan Singh.
Number of pages: 260.
Price: Rs. 325.
Title: Sri Aurobindo and His Essential Thoughts Volume II
Date of Publication: 24 April 2015
Description: An anthology of ten articles published in various magazines between 1945 and 1991 providing to the reader a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts. The said articles include Sri Aurobindo’s Vision of Supermanhood by Haridas Chaudhury, Sri Aurobindo and Art by Charu Chandra Dutt, Sri Aurobindo and Aesthetics by V. K. Gokak, Sri Aurobindo and the Upanishads by M. P. Pandit, Sri Aurobindo and the Crisis of Modern Man by Jugal Kishore Mukherji, Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretation of History by A. B. Purani, Sri Aurobindo’s Concept of Human Unity by Rajni Chhabra, Sri Aurobindo on Education by Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, Yoga and Human Evolution by Arabinda Basu, etc.
Number of pages: 150.
Price: Rs. 200.
Title : The Alipore Bomb Trial Judgment
Date of Publication: 30 December 2010 (First Edition)
12 March 2012 (Second Edition)
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Description: The unabridged version of the Alipore Bomb Trial Judgment rendered by C. P. Beachcroft on 6 May 1909.
Number of pages: 149.
Price: Rs. 190.
Title : Sri Aurobindo: His Political Life and Activities
Date of Publication: 31 December 2010 (First Edition)
12 March 2012 (Second Edition)
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Preface: Prof. Kittu Reddy
Description: It is a chronological study of Sri Aurobindo’s political life from 1906 to 1910 through British Government documents, press coverage, memoirs of his political colleagues as well as his own autobiographical account. Hundreds of documents collected from British Government records (most of which have been published in this book for the first time) and press cuttings—both being more than a century old—have been incorporated in this volume. In addition to the aforesaid documents and press coverage, the book includes rare letters written to Sri Aurobindo by Nationalist leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Surendranath Banerjea and others. It also includes the reminiscences of the likes of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, Nolini Kanta Gupta, Sudhir Kumar Sarkar (who were Sri Aurobindo’s associates in the Nationalist movement) about the political activities of Sri Aurobindo.A chief attraction of this book is the complete text of the speech of Chittaranjan Das which he had rendered while defending Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Trial. Another major attraction of this book is six extremely rare articles written on Sri Aurobindo by Bepin Chandra Pal, Charu Chandra Dutta, Hemendra Prasad Ghose, S. R. Das, Suresh Deb and Birendra Chandra Sen. And the reader is expected to find as many as nineteen speeches and two interviews of Sri Aurobindo in this book.
In his scholarly preface to this book, Prof. Kittu Reddy comments about the book and its author:
“In this book compiled by Anurag Banerjee of the Overman Foundation, a huge amount of material connected with Sri Aurobindo has been revealed for the first time. This is from the first two periods – 1893 to 1910. It is possible that much of this material has been published in different books and at different times. However, this is the first time that all this material is found in one book. This will be of great help to all researchers in the political life of Sri Aurobindo.
“Besides the notes written by Sri Aurobindo himself on his political life, there are very interesting details regarding his political activity which include the deliberations of Bengal National College, the details of the Calcutta Congress in 1906 and the Surat Congress in 1907. In addition, there are also many references taken from the journals and newspapers of the time; all this makes very not only very interesting reading but also gives a deep insight to the political atmosphere of the time. Serious historians will benefit from this huge data base that has been created by this compilation. For a close study takes one back to the atmosphere of the times. One almost relives the history of that period.
“One of the most delightfully attractive parts of the compilation is the personal anecdotes in the Appendix written by contemporaries of Sri Aurobindo; these give one a wonderful insight into the human personality of Sri Aurobindo and at the same time show his spiritual side. The Karma Yogi that Sri Aurobindo was is revealed most beautifully in these articles. Indeed these can serve as an inspiration to the modern youth and present day politicians. For that indeed is the need of the hour.
“I am sure this wonderful compilation will be of great use not only to research scholars, but will also help in giving guidance for the future development of India. I believe that taken with all the literature written later in Pondicherry, this compilation will give a comprehensive view of Sri Aurobindo’s political vision and serve as an inspiration for the future.”
Number of pages: 450.
Price: Rs. 490.
Title: Ananya Nishikanto (Out of print)
Date of Publication: 22 January 2011
Author: Anurag Banerjee.
Language: Bengali.
Description: The first e-book published in Bengali, it comprises of some humorous anecdotes as well as about thirty-four unpublished poems of Nishikanto Raichowdhury (1909-1973), one of the greatest mystic poets of Sri Aurobindo Ashram whom Sri Aurobindo had called ‘the Brahmaputra of Inspiration’, most of which have been collected from individuals who were very close to the late poet. A very important attraction of this book is a set of rare epistolary exchanges between Sri Aurobindo and Nishikanto. This book also includes a number of poems of Sri Aurobindo and K.D. Sethna alias Amal Kiran translated into Bengali by Nishikanto and four unpublished poems of the late poet in his own handwriting.
Number of pages: 40 pages.
Price: Rs. 20 for both e-copies and hardcopies.
Title: Sujata Nahar: Loving Homage (out of print)
Date of Publication:12 December 2011 (First Edition).
18 June 2012 (Second Edition).
Editors: Nirmal Nahar and Anurag Banerjee
Description: This tri-lingual book—with a foreword by Samir Kanta Gupta—is a collection of tributes paid to Sujata Nahar, the noted authoress and sadhika of the Integral Yoga, in English, Bengali and French. The second and revised edition of this book comprises of the following:
- The Mother’s Views about Sujata Nahar.
- Sujata Nahar’s correspondence and conversations with the Mother and extracts from her notebook.
- Description of Sujata Nahar’s occult dreams and visions.
- Tributes paid to Sujata Nahar in English, Bengali and French.
- Several unpublished letters of Sujata Nahar.
This new edition also includes nine unpublished photographs of Satprem and Sujata and five rare photographs of Sujata with the Mother.
Number of pages: 150.
Price: Rs. 235.
Title: Sri Aurobindo and Rabindranath Tagore (out of print)
Date of Publication: 31 December 2011.
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee.
Description: It is a bilingual anthology of articles written on the two great luminaries of the bygone century, Sri Aurobindo and Rabindranath Tagore. A tribute to Rabindranath Tagore on the occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary, this book comprises of articles in English and Bengali contributed by Dr. Prithwindranath Mukherjee, R. Y. Deshpande, Dr. Prema Nandakumar, Dr. Murali Sivaramakrishnan, Saurendranath Basu, Nirmal Singh Nahar, Krishna Chakravarti, Dalia Sarkar, Supriyo Bhattacharya and Anurag Banerjee. Articles written on the said theme by Nolini Kanta Gupta, Dilip Kumar Roy, K. D. Sethna and Chittaranjan Goswami have also been republished in this volume.
Two major attractions of this book are the translation of Rabindranath Tagore’s poem ‘Namaskar’ (rendered into English by Ksitish Chandra Sen) written on Sri Aurobindo when the latter was arrested for the first time in 1907 and Rabindranath’s tribute to Sri Aurobindo published in the ‘Modern Review’ magazine in 1928 which he authored soon after his meeting with Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry in that very year.
Number of pages: 115.
Price: Rs. 160.
Title: The Mother: The Birth and Growth of a Flame (ISBN: 978-81-957374-2-0)
Date of Publication: First edition: 8 January 2012; second edition: 25 December 2012; third edition: 15 June 2015; fourth edition: 29 March 2019.
Author: Anurag Banerjee.
Foreword: Dr. Ananda Reddy, Director, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research,Pondicherry.
Description: This book is a detailed account of the Mother’s pre-Ashram years and covers the course of her life in France, Algeria and Japan till her arrival in Pondicherry and taking charge of Sri Aurobindo Ashram after Sri Aurobindo’s retirement into seclusion in 1926.
Divided into five sections, ‘The Mother: The Birth and Growth of a Flame’ consists of a number of unpublished materials compiled from the writings of Mira Ismalun (the Mother’s grandmother), Max Theon, Barindra Kumar Ghose and Haradhan Bakshi to name a few along with unknown details and facts selected from the rare writings of Paul Richard, Motilal Roy, Alexandra David-Neel, Suresh Chandra Chakrabarti, Anilbaran Roy, Rajani Kanta Palit and Jaya Devi.
In his scholarly preface to this book, Dr. Ananda Reddy comments about the book and its author:
‘I suppose the work done by Mr. Banerjee belongs to the “present time itself” in which we see efforts to “return towards inner self-discovery, an inner seeking and thinking, a new attempt at mystic experience, a groping after the inner self, a reawakening to some sense of the truth and power of the spirit…”
‘Mr. Banerjee’s painstaking compilation of the details of the Mother’s life is more a narration of the Mother’s life where you see the birth and growth of a divine flame in a human form. It starts from the Mother’s pre-Mirra days, that is with her previous births as recollected by her, and it goes till the Victory Day,24th November, 1926, when Sri Aurobindo withdrew for purposes of sadhana putting the Mother in charge of every one of the sadhaks in the Ashram. The reading is captivating and inspiring because Anurag’s mind displays a mental faith which has an “unquestioning acceptance of all the Mother is, says and does.”… And it is this deep faith and sincerity that mark this book. Distinctly, Anurag’s mind seems to be consciously surrendering to the subject of his study in the spirit of a sadhak of integral yoga and does not display the naked audacity of a researcher who wants to measure himself with the divine being who is the subject of his research!’
Number of pages: 362.
Price: Rs. 475.
Title: The Alipore Bomb Trial: Selected Documents
Date of Publication: 12 March 2012.
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Description: A sequel to ‘The Alipore Bomb Trial Judgment’, this book includes a number of unpublished documents of the Alipore Bomb Trial like Confessions of the Chief Accused, Statements of the Accused in the Lower Court further to their Confessions, Examination of the Accused Further to their Confessions, Petitions Presented to the Court of Sessions, Opinions of Assessors and High Court Appeal along with the First Information Report of the trial.
Number of pages: 200.
Price: Rs. 290.
Title: Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Vision of Life (out of print)
Date of Publication: 4 May 2012
Compiler and Editor: Anurag Banerjee
Description:This book—divided into five sections—comprises of Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ethics, religion, spirituality, reason, vital attraction and death.
The first section which includes the writings of Sri Aurobindo on ‘Ethics’ deals with topics like True Ethics, Ethical Impulses, Instincts and Activities, Ideal Ethical Law, Ethical Good and Evil and Hedonistic Values, Ethics and Karma, The Root of Ethical Ideals, Insufficiency of Ethics, Ethics in the Primitive Society, A Comparison between Aesthetic and Ethical Man and their Cultures, Ethics in Society and Practical Life, The Ethical Being and Reason, Ethics, Morality and the Dharma, Ethics and the Gnostic Life, Ethical Being and the Divine, etc.
The second section includes the writings of Sri Aurobindo on ‘Religion and Spirituality’ and deals with topics like Religion: Its Meaning and Message, Religion and Reason, Religion: Its Scope and Shortcomings, Indian Religions, Spirituality: Its Meaning and Essence, Religion vis-à-vis Spirituality, Religion, Spirituality and Society, Indian Religion and Spirituality, The Character of Indian Religion: A Study and Dealings of Indian Religion with Life.
The third section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ‘Reason’ and deals with topic like Reason and Man, Reason vis-à-vis Life, Reason and Society, Reason and Intellect and Reason: Its Scope and Shortcomings.
The fourth section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ‘Vital Attraction’ and focuses on topics like Sex-troubles and Self-Control, Sex, Marriage and Sadhana, Sexual Impulses vis-à-vis Yoga, Importance of Celibacy, Sex and Its Conquest, etc.
The fifth section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on the subject of ‘Death’ and deals with topics like Necessity of Death, Soul’s Journey after Death, The Psychic Being after Death, The Seeker’s Attitude towards Death, Death and Its Gospel, etc.
Number of pages: 211
Price: Rs. 300.
Title: In Quest of the Cosmic Soul
Author: Dr. Prithwindra Mukherjee
Date of Publication: 29 March 2013
Description: This anthology is a selection of Dr. Prithwindra’s writings written between 1955 and 2012, thus, covering a span of almost six decades. It includes along with several of his articles written on a varied range of subjects—biographies (written under the pseudonym of BobClive for Wikipedia), short stories, reviews, translations and a drama penned by him. Some major attractions of this volume are his unpublished articles on Anilbaran Roy (1890-1974), the erstwhile member of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Swami Vivekananda (written on the occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary) and music (Towards a New Tonal Music) as well as his reminiscences of Pandit Ravi Shankar (1920-2012), the great sitar maestro, who passed away very recently. Through this volume an attempt has been made not only to reintroduce the reader to the multifaceted genius of Dr. Prithwindra but also to introduce the ‘complete Prithwindra Mukherjee’ to all those readers who primarily know him as an erudite historian.
Number of pages: 463.
Price: Rs. 595.
Title: Sri Aurobindo As We Saw Him (ISBN: 978-81-957374-1-3)
Date of Publication: First edition : 14 October 2013. Second edition: 15 August 2014. Third edition: 15 July 2018
Author: Anurag Banerjee
Description: This book is a collection of interviews of twenty-seven individuals who have had the good fortune of seeing Sri Aurobindo and staying in Sri Aurobindo Ashram during His lifetime. It includes interviews of senior Aurobindonians like Noren Singh Nahar, Prof. Arabinda Basu, Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, Nirmal Nahar, Suprabha Nahar, Sumitra Cazade, Kiran Kumari, Robi Ganguli, Robi Gupta, Gauri Pinto, Prof. Kittu Reddy, Vasanti Rao, Amita Sen, Kusum Nagda, Aniruddha Sircar, Dr. Aster Patel, Dhanavanti Nagda, Lata Jauhar, Shobha Mitra, Dr. Prithwindra Mukherjee, Jhumur Bhattacharya, Richard Pearson, Ranganath Raghavan, Parul Chakravorty, Bakul Sarkar, Bani and Dolly Mutsuddi.
In this book, the interviewees have shared stories of how they came to stay at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, their enlightening reminiscences of Sri Aurobindo and some special anecdotes about Sri Aurobindo which they have either heard or personally witnessed. Some of them have also recounted their experiences of meeting Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical.
Number of pages: 326.
Price: Rs. 375
Interesting collection of publications. Desire to procure a few of them right now. Grateful if procedure of placing the Order and payment mode be known. Since I live outside Kolkata, delivery cost may also be made known.
.”Our Publications” reveals the hidden face of the publisher: that of an inward quest
Respected sir,
Salutation with love.
the books of shrimat anirvan is there all in Bengali Kendra translation of this all are either in English or Hindi is available or not ? Please be kind enough to reply.