Anurag Banerjee Honoured with the ‘Shiksha Bharati Award’ by the Indian Achievers’ Forum

Dear Friends and Well-wishers of Overman Foundation,

It gives us immense delight to announce that the Founder and Managing Trustee of Overman Foundation, Shri Anurag Banerjee, has been presented with the ‘Shiksha Bharati Award’ by the Indian Achievers’ Forum for the year 2021 ‘in recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement and Contribution in Nation Building’.

To read the success story of Anurag Banerjee as mentioned in the website of Indian Achievers’ Forum, kindly click on the following link:

In his acceptance message, Mr. Banerjee has remarked that this recognition be looked upon as the first special offering to Sri Aurobindo on the occasion of His 150th Birth Anniversary.

We take the opportunity to congratulate Shri Anurag Banerjee and wish him all the success in life.

With best regards,


Overman Foundation Trust.

66 Replies to “Anurag Banerjee Honoured with the ‘Shiksha Bharati Award’ by the Indian Achievers’ Forum

  1. Hi Shri Anuragji

    Heartiest congratulations for recognition of services in field of education. May the Grace of Mother and Sri Aurobindo lead you to beacon wisdom to us and scale greater heights

  2. Heartiest congratulations dear Anurag on your receiving this signal honour – Surendra s chouhan SAICE ’69

  3. Dear Anurag
    Am proud to get this news regarding your success. May you cross many more mile stones in Her work.
    Ananda da

  4. Hearty congratulations. Wish you more and more awards and greater honours for such kind of works….

    ॐ आनन्दमयि, चैतन्यमयि, सत्यमयि, परमें!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹

  5. Delighted to note this. Mother Blesses Her True children who are instrumental in propagating Lord’s Teaching and revealing Ashram and the work going on there to the world at large. Many more laurels to come.

    With Best Wishes.


  6. Hearty congratulations. A well deserved honour.
    May you go from strength to strength in Mother’s work.

    Madhu Nandini

  7. Our heartiest congratulations go to Anurag Ji. Having known him through his books and epistolary ambience has been a blessing for us.

    Best wishes from Vienna.

    Nilesh & Amita Nathwani

    1. Hearty Congratulations to Anurag. Pray, Mother’s Grace bring more awards – more feathers on his cap.
      Prasenjit Sen

  8. Hearty congratulations dear Anurag! I feel so proud of you. May you keep the torchlight of knowledge and devotion glowing.

  9. Félicitations à notre cher Anurag! Bravo pour tes accomplissements. Puissions-nous profiter longtemps encore de l’immense énergie de travail qui te caractérise. Merci Anurag.

  10. Richly deserved dear Anurag:

    Congratulations! Many more laurels to come for sincere hard work for the nation.

    Sachi da

  11. Heartiest congratulations ,Dada. You are great. You are true child of The Divine Mother. Namaskar dada.

  12. Makes us all feel so proud.
    A true son of the Mother.

    There would be many more such awards in the days to come.

    With love and best wishes,

  13. Many many Congratulations Anurag ji for the great achievement and laurel!
    A befitting reward for your remarkable contributions!!!

  14. Dear Anurag Babu,


    Greetings and congratulations to you on your getting this prestigious award, by virtue of your outstanding work and service to the Divine.

    Hrushikesh Acharya
    for The Oriya Aurovilian

  15. Dear Shri Banerjee ji,

    Many congratulations on your wonderful achievement. Keep spreading the knowledge and wisdom of Maa and Sri Aurobindo amongst us all.

    Warm Regards,
    Saumyam Dwivedi

  16. You deserve it, Anurag. I am sure that with the Mother’s guidance and blessings, you will do a lot of great work going forward.
    Best wishes,
    Ambar Bandopadyay

  17. Congratulations for being awarded the Achiever award. We are proud of you. Let the Mother’s blessings be always on you.

  18. Hearty congratulations dear Anurag. May you always work towards perfection in your works! We are so happy to get the news of your highly acclaimed Award! May success be yours in future too in more than one ways.

  19. Dearest brother Anurag,
    So thrilled with this news. The recognition is highly deserved. Many many congratulations

  20. Dear Anurag
    You deserve not only this but many greater honours, which surely will come to you.
    Didi Shyam Kumari

  21. Dear Anurag-da,

    I just received news of your award. Please allow me to congratulate
    you on this happy occassion. I am very happy for you.

    Your friend,


  22. Respected Shri Anurag ji,
    Hearty congratulations to you. We pray to the Divine Mother to make you the best instrument for Her work in which you are sincerely and devotedly engaged.
    Be blessed by the Supreme Lord.
    Warm and respectful regards,
    N M Mukhi

  23. Dear Anurag,
    CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy to know that you have been awarded the ‘Shiksha Bharati Award’, by the Indian Achievers’Forum for the year 2021. I am really proud of you. You have been doing wonderful work for so many years now, you really deserve it. I pray to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo that you may continue to do their work even better in the future. Always remember them, and they will show you the right path. Their Blessings are always with her children. With lots and lots of Love. Affectionately Namita-di.

  24. Heartiest congratulations to Anurag ,n the very best wishes for many many more accolades !
    With best wishes

  25. Dear Anurag
    What a pleasant surprise to get the lovely news of your being honoured with the Siksha Bharati award recently. As you have rightly said it is due to the Grace of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, but then it is they who have made you such an active person working tirelessly on projects that are needed in today’s India. May their Grace continue to give you good strength and vision to choose and do the right things. I am delighted.
    With every good wish,

  26. Dear Anurag,


    We are happy to know that you have been presented with the ‘Shiksha Bharati Award’ by the Indian Achievers’ Forum.

    Our best wishes for the continuation of the good work that you are doing.

    With warm regards,

    (Manoj Das Gupta)

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