Krishnadhan Ghose’s letter to Rajnarain Bose

Dear Friends,

Today we are publishing a letter written by Dr. Krishnadhan Ghose (Sri Aurobindo’s father) to Rajnarain Bose (his father-in-law and Sri Aurobindo’s maternal grandfather). This letter—which is a part of the Sujata Nahar Papers preserved in the Archives of Overman Foundation—was found in tatters and therefore the date and some of the words are missing.

With warm regards,

Anurag Banerjee


Overman Foundation.


                  Krishnadhan Ghose’s letter to Rajnarain Bose




My dear Father

I have received your note of Sunday last in due time but it had tortures along with it to pull down my heart. Did I give you any offence in any of my letters that you prevent me from stopping any religious discussions. I cannot describe the dreadful agony I am feeling on that account. The cholera which has not as yet allowed me to get up from my bed has not brought on such depression in me as [that] letter of yours. There is [one thing] in that letter that has hurt me […] of the postscript of your note. All the world has become bitter and sad to me, everything has assumed a gloomy spectacle. I do not know how I am to console myself. I knew before and now find by experience that misfortunes never come single. Oft how many different things have combined to break down the sinful and impious heart of mine. Constant tears are become my only companion. Dearest Father have I no one to wipe away the tears of my eyes with even the border of sympathy. I am doomed to suffer and to be tried by misfortunes. The cholera has given [me a] deadly blow but your [letter] a worse one. Oft do dear Father relieve my heart by a condescending eye of forgiveness. Your poor son is suffering and have pity upon his soul and forgive him from the very bottom of your heart. Every now and then I ask forgiveness of my God for my trespasses against you but meet with no consolation. Oft do relieve my soul dearest Father. I again repeat for God’s sake forgive my soul.

Dearest Father there is one thing more that is troubling me awfully in my illness. The [  ] under which my friends have left me. I really do not deserve so [    ] kindness. [   ] above all [         ] me by the bona [       ] deep obligation [                ] another obscure friend of mine whom I spoke to you when I was at Midnapore Rakhal Ch. Roy. I am sure I do not deserve so much from them & I am at a loss how I am to repay so much kindness. Keshub’s paternal care is admirable.

I am now passing my days in sadness and confinement. I have not sufficient strength to go out and divert my attention from the thousand and one vultures preying on my mind.

Kindly give my pronams to mother and others. My love to my friends there. As also to Hem, Jogin, Shukumaree and Joteen.[1]

Shurnolata[2] gives her pronams to you.

 I remain with love

Your ever affn son

Krishna Dhun




[1] Rajnarain’s children.

[2] Swarnalata Devi, Sri Aurobindo’s mother.

7 Replies to “Krishnadhan Ghose’s letter to Rajnarain Bose

  1. Wow. Such a soft, sensitive, social, kind, cultured, loving heart!

    So far the image that has emerged of Sri Aurobindo’s father from various writings and anecdotes is that of a strong, uncompromising, anglicized atheist and a dynamic humanitarian doctor. But this letter reveals an unknown side of his person, adds another dimension to his image. Thank you, Anurag.

  2. Although, Sri Aurobindo’s earlier life and relationships must not matter for us, because he had left them all behind to take up sadhana and we are connected with his consciousness because of what we receive from him as a perfected Yogi, but this letter has added a beautiful human dimension to his background.
    The old wisdom says: Jati na puchho Sadhu ki puchh lijo Gyan, which means, there is no need to ask about the background of a Sadhu but a Sadhu is relevent to us only for his knowledge which alone must be a asked of him. The Sadhu is twice born, a seeker must confine himself with the pursuit of knowledge and its practice in life as a goal.

  3. i am surprised who left this message , i have not.Also i got an email
    in my right email address asking to subscribe that means the person
    has put my right email address also.But i have not put this comment.
    i have not read this article also and have not come to this page also.

  4. i read the article now , its really good one. Thanks. I like Sri Aurobindo’s
    father , i have not read much on Mother Sri Aurobindo , i have read
    too little on them. Initially i used to think Sri Aurobindo father had adopted so much western things that to did not allow Bengali the Mother
    tongue to be told in the house and Sri Aurobindo’s mother did not like
    the western dress up as when Sri Aurobindo came dressed up or was
    telling in western way something his mother said like not liking.
    I liked his father as he used to send cuttings of paper to Sri Aurobindo
    , when he was little and was in abroad on british rule that not good in
    india , when he realised that his country men are suffering he was very
    eager to be help and his generous heart that he used to give so much
    to people that he had left with little to send to his kids in abroad which
    Sri Aurobindo adjusted by doing tution i think in such and young age.
    Also in later stage Sri Aurobindo’s father realised on british rule , he died getting false news on the ship and his son being their and he loved
    his wife (Sri Aurobindo’s Mother) . Your article is intersting as its
    written to his fatherinlaw , very gentle person he seems he is more
    affected by the letter than the chlora , the chinese proverb says
    “Trouble comes from Mouth” , so words act like sword.

    Its nice to read these to get an glimpse on them. Thanks for bringing out
    the hidden treasure to all.

  5. Very informative letter and interesting too…..What is important here is the reference “Did I give you any offence in any of my letters that you prevent me from stopping any religious discussions” I would like to know the nature of religious discussion he wishes to hold. It may be noted that that there is no reference to Sri Aurobindo……unless we know the precise date of this letter, it’s difficult to ascertain the age of Sri Aurobindo. However, the letter holds a good deal of mysteries which can be unfolded and corroborated by other letters.

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