Dear Friends and Well-wishers of Overman Foundation,
It gives me immense delight to announce that on4 May 2012 Overman Foundation has published its new book ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Vision of Life’. This book comprises of Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ethics, religion, spirituality, reason, vital attraction and death.
The first section which includes the writings of Sri Aurobindo on ‘Ethics’ deals with topics like True Ethics, Ethical Impulses, Instincts and Activities, Ideal Ethical Law, Ethical Good and Evil and Hedonistic Values, Ethics and Karma, The Root of Ethical Ideals, Insufficiency of Ethics, Ethics in the Primitive Society, A Comparison between Aesthetic and Ethical Man and their Cultures, Ethics in Society and Practical Life, The Ethical Being and Reason, Ethics, Morality and the Dharma, Ethics and the Gnostic Life, Ethical Being and the Divine, etc.
The second section includes the writings of Sri Aurobindo on ‘Religion and Spirituality’ and deals with topics like Religion: Its Meaning and Message, Religion and Reason, Religion: Its Scope and Shortcomings, Indian Religions, Spirituality: Its Meaning and Essence, Religion vis-à-vis Spirituality, Religion, Spirituality and Society, Indian Religion and Spirituality, The Character of Indian Religion: A Study and Dealings of Indian Religion with Life.
The third section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ‘Reason’ and deals with topics like Reason and Man, Reason vis-à-vis Life, Reason and Society, Reason and Intellect and Reason: Its Scope and Shortcomings.
The fourth section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on ‘Vital Attraction’ and focuses on topics like Sex-troubles and Self-Control, Sex, Marriage and Sadhana, Sexual Impulses vis-à-vis Yoga, Importance of Celibacy, Sex and Its Conquest, etc.
The fifth section includes Sri Aurobindo’s writings on the subject of ‘Death’ and deals with topics like Necessity of Death, Soul’s Journey after Death, The Psychic Being after Death, The Seeker’s Attitude towards Death, Death and Its Gospel, etc.
Compiled and edited by Shri Anurag Banerjee, ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Vision of Life’ comprises 211 pages and is available at a price of Rs. 300 (Three Hundred) only.
To place an order, please write to the following email address:
Payment can also be made online.
With warm regards,
Anurag Banerjee
Overman Foundation.
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