More photographs of the early members of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Dear Friends,

As the last installment of our series on the early years of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, we are publishing some more photographs of the early inmates of the Ashram. A number of these photographs were gifted to us by Shri Nirmal Singh Nahar and Ms. Gauti Pinto. We take the opportunity to thank them for their priceless gifts.

With warm regards,

Anurag Banerjee


Overman Foundation.





                                          T. V. Kapali Sastriar


                                Suresh Chandra Chakravorty alias Moni


                                            Dr. Rajangam


                                Margaret Wilson alias Nishtha.


                                               Krishnalal Bhatt


                                           Sayanapuram Doraiswami Iyer.



               A. B. Purani with Mithran and Tyagarajan, Doraiswami’s sons.

                                 Kalyan Chaudhuri, Nirodbaran and Dilip Kumar Roy.


                       Venkatraman, Dilip Kumar Roy and Anil Kumar Bhattacharya


                                           Chandulal Shah

19 Replies to “More photographs of the early members of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

    1. Dear Mahesh-ji,

      Unfortunately we don’t know have any records showing when the photographs were taken. So it is difficult to put the dates.

      With warm regards,


  1. Thank you very much. Incalculable value for us to have these pictures.

    Fundación Centro Sri Aurobindo, Barcelona, Spain

  2. Except Datta’s photo, I do not recollect having seen any of the other photograph even in the collection of the Mother upstairs, esp. with the names of each one.
    It is a good treasure !

    1. Dear Ratna-di,

      It is a very good suggestion that you have given. We would definitely try to collect the biographical details of the sadhaks.

      With warm regards,


  3. Overman Foundation is doing commendable work for the benefit of us, devotees, in its various activities. Congratulations, Anuragbhai !

    Sharad Joshi

  4. Photographs along with the Mother & Sri Aurobindo’s comments(if any) about them could flavour their spiritual personality.

  5. significant contributions of each sadhak in the works of The Mother may inspire others.kindly aid it if possible.

    with regards,
    khitish chandra udgata,Rourkela

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