Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry — The Houses where He Lived and the Objects that He Used
Compiler: Tara Jauhar
Description: This album consists of more than 200 priceless photographs taken by Tara Jauhar of the houses where Sri Aurobindo had stayed in Pondicherry and objects which He had used.
Price: Rs. 300 (Three Hundred) only.
Publisher: Overman Foundation, Kolkata.
Tara Jauhar is a living legend by now. Her life and work speak itself for her. Ever since her childhood she grew up in Sri Aurobindo Ashram under the direct benign Love and Motherly care and guidance of the “Sweet Mother”.
One auspicious day, a thought struck her to bring out an album which will chronologically recreate the history of the houses where Sri Aurobindo lived and the objects that He used — it was a huge task, but she proceeded ahead with the happy approval and blessings of the Divine Mother — the ultimate result that we are fortunate to see and browse is this magnificent Album beautifully published by Overman Foundation, Kolkata under the able direction of its Founder, Anurag Banerjee.
Tara Jauhar has explained it all luminously in her preface, the genesis of the work and reaching its successful completion. How well and graciously she was helped by the active ceaseless collaboration of Champaklal, Nolini Kanta Gupta and Amrita and scores of other sadhaks.
Tara Jauhar is an ace photographer and she has turned this art and craft of photography into an ineffable form ever in the service of the Divine.
The Supramental Avatar moved from one house to another under most trying conditions and dangerous situations to hew the pathways of the life divine all for us; here in the album what we see is an astonishing collage of pictures which vividly and powerfully gives us a marvellous overview and takes us along to show from close quarters the initial struggles of the Avatar with His comrades and companions who must have repented like Arjuna who implored again and again for forgiveness from Lord Sri Krishna the shabby way he treated Him not knowing that He was the Supreme Godhead.
The Album is a vibrant history of the birth and growth of the Ashram in every sense of the word — so very sensitively produced with meticulous and sharp eye for the minutes details of the life of our Master as He lived and the objects that He used — charged with His supramental consciousness. Looking closely at this wonderful offering by Tara Jauhar our hearts and minds are filled with immense gratitude for the painstaking efforts spanning over a year — it met in the end with exceedingly happy approval from the Divine Mother and She was so, so happy and showered Her blessings upon her favorite child.
Thank you, Tara-di from Surendra and your countless admirers.
Salutations to Lord Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother!
Surendra Singh Chouhan.

About the author: Surendra Singh Chouhan is an ex-student of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (SAICE); after finishing his Higher Course he taught for a year in SAICE. He is an international educator and a frequent visiting trainer and faculty in the world of academia who had taught Philosophy to the Chinese students in Shanghai under the auspices of Shanghai Normal University. Presently he is engaged in giving lectures on Savitri, The Life Divine and other works of Sri Aurobindo.
Dear Anurag – Warm word of thanks and appreciation for this very kind thought in giving space to my humble offering in your prestigious forum.. Always and each moment at the service of the Divine 🌹🌹🌹
Warm regards – Surendra s chouhan SAICE ’69