Review of R. Y. Deshpande’s book “Savitri: The Poetry of Immortality” by Surendra Singh Chouhan

Title: Savitri: The Poetry of Immortality

Author: R. Y. Deshpande

Price: Rs. 575 (Five Hundred and Seventy-five) only.

Number of Pages: 486.

Distributor: Overman Foundation.

‘The earliest  formula of Wisdom promises to be its last — God, Light, Freedom and Immortality.’—The Life Divine.

Of all the admirable works by Prof. R. Y.  Deshpande on Savitri, this  beautiful and scholarly work Savitri: The Poetry of Immortality seems to  be incredibly  satisfying  by its inherent  content and exquisite coherence  as it encompasses  truly  in  magnificent manner  and execution all the  key  ideas and concepts to  support his thesis of the book—the  profound  mysteries—and as yet unknown facts and features of  Savitri have been revealed in  sustained ‘tranquil flow’ of thoughts and revelations. Pages after pages of this seminal work echoes and re-echoes auspicious immortal footfalls of Savitri and its supreme clarion call ‘O ye children of Immortality—hearken …hearken to my call — Here I am the  poetry incarnate of the Supramental Word—to touch my body is to touch verily the Supramental fire of God, Light, Freedom and Immortality. I am the Breath and the Voice of the Supramental Avatar of the Age and His consort the Divine Mother — I am the Supramental  adventure of  consciousness and joy and  a  supreme revelation straight from the home of TRUTH — I know the goal and possess the road map to attain Immortality. Only you should have faith and  trust in the supreme efficacy of my supramental mantric Power and Force.

Prof. R.Y. Deshpande has brought all this in an amazing manner all his distilled wisdom, experience and learned expertise to weave gently the fabric of this wonderful creation, the texture of which glows and radiates the supramental glory that this epic of immortality embodies and represents — not a single word has been used just for the sake of effect which naturally  carries a very high sense of conviction and  sharp  research — the learned author has not left anything unsaid and undeclared in his lectures. Quoting from different sources and resources, Prof . Deshpande has eminently succeeded in proving the central core of the thesis which is, indeed, radiantly self-proven. The Divine Mother has time and again declared in her pronouncements that Savitri is a golden ladder on and through which one can reach the Supreme. Savitri shows us the sunlit path to attain Immortality. Some or almost all the passages which the author has chosen to include are just aptly electrifying and help us to move forward in a decisive manner towards the central moving force of assertion by the author. Each title of the sections/chapters is superbly thought out and the rest is taken care by gracious style of narration of the speaker and as a result, the reader does not feel the burden of nascent scholarship and sails along with the author drinking deep of the Wisdom.

Savitri, Supermind, Lord Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother are One  

We have to approach the reading of Savitri with necessary humility following this above stated luminous vision; there cannot be any mental measurement or judgment of the vastness of the depth and the breadth of the grand epic that is Savitri. This divine epic has been heard, seen and revealed  by the Supramental Avatar and vouchsafed  to us the mortals so that in this very life time—if we possess the blazing aspiration—to taste the incandescent joy of Immortality—which is an unalloyed state of eternal consciousness.

We are familiar with the character and the impacting power of the Mantra and have read its concept and the sense and essence of what the Mantra is in The Future Poetry which has been described by the Master in very great detail from diverse perspectives.

Savitri is the supramental word which takes us on its winged golden glory to the heaven of freedom and Immortality.  It is the word which cuts asunder the knot of many sided Ignorance.

Prof. R. Y. Deshpande writes and speaks with passion, perspicacity which qualify him eminently to handle/tackle theme of such sublime nature as Savitri: The Poetry of Immortality with near perfection. The book is elegantly published in beautiful format and to just have a glance at it just brings in beatific vibrations of immortality.

Merci Beaucoup, Prof.  R. Y .Deshpande for offering us—the fortunate readers—the glimpses of the vision and rasa of Immortality!

Salutations to Lord Sri Aurobindo and the Divine Mother!

                                                                                                                           Surendra Singh Chouhan


About the reviewer: Surendra Singh Chouhan is an ex-student of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (SAICE); after finishing his Higher Course he taught for a year in SAICE. He is an international educator and a frequent visiting trainer and faculty in the world of academia who had taught Philosophy to the Chinese students in Shanghai under the auspices of Shanghai Normal University. Presently he is engaged in giving lectures on Savitri, The Life Divine and other works of Sri Aurobindo.

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