Dear Friends,
November 2011 marks the 85th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. On the said occasion, we would be publishing a series on the early years of the Ashram. This series would include photographs of the early members of the Ashram and reminiscences of and articles on the early period of the Ashram, etc.
We are commencing this series by publishing a number of sketches made by the Mother of the early disciples of Sri Aurobindo.
With warm regards,
Anurag Banerjee
Overman Foundation.
Vasudha Shah.
Suresh Chandra Chakravorty (Moni)
S. Doraiswami Iyer
Nolini Kanta Gupta
K. Amrita
Anilbaran Roy
Barindra Kumar Ghose
Champaklal Purani
Chandulal Shah
This is abs fantastic Anurag:
Thank you for sharing the rare sketches done by the Mother.
A treasure indeed!
Best wishes
Sachi da
Except Chandulal-bhâi (whom I never met), all the portraits are so vivid and so radiant in their personality that immediately I could sense their presence. Are not there some more ?
Prithwindra Mukherjee
Wonderful! Congratulations.
Thanks a lot for these wonderful portraits.
with warm regards,
vijaya kumar
wonderful Anurag-da,
Thanks a lot
With warm regards
Dr parul Mohan
This is a divine feast to the eyes ..Wonderfully vivid and soulful ..
Surendra with warm wishes
Dear Anurag,
Thank you for the excellent sketches drawn by the Mother of the renowned devoties of Sri.Arabindo.
Dear Anurag,
Many many thanks for your effort to publish these sketches. Not only do they bring the personalities right before us, they also bear touches of the Sweet Mother – Her touches of creative excellence as well as those of Her endless love for the Ashramites whom she painted. And through these sketches we are also receiving Her touches of compassion.
Thanks again for your work.
– Gautam Banerji
Dear Anurag,
Many many thanks for your effort in publishing the sketches of the Sweet Mother. These bear the Holy touches of the Sweet Mother. Not only the touches of creative excellence, but the touches of love and affection for the Ashramites whom she sketched. And through these we could also receive the touches of Her. Thanks again for your work. I express my indebtedness also.
With regards,
Gautam Banerji
Thanks for sharing the drawings,So real…
Awesome pics…