Dear Friends,
Nishikanto Roychowdhury (24.3.1909—20.5.1973) was the greatest Bengali poet of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Having received his early education at Santiniketan where he enjoyed the love and affection of Rabindranath Tagore he arrived at Pondicherry in 1934. He befriended Dilip Kumar Roy and wrote lyrics for many of his memorable songs. Sri Aurobindo was quite fond of his poetry and had called him a “Brahmaputra of Inspiration”. His anthologies of poetry include titles like Diganta, Alakananda, Vaijayanti, Nabadipan, Pachish Pradip, Bhorer Pakhi, Bande Mataram, Shikha-satadal and Lilayan.
24 March 2014 marks the 105th Birth Anniversary of Nishikanto Roychowdhury. As our humble homage to him, a set of eleven rare photographs of Nishikanto Roychowdury has been uploaded in the online forum of Overman Foundation.
With warm regards,
Anurag Banerjee
Overman Foundation.
My father when a student used to visitAshram during vacation from 1954 to 1961.H e would ask madhav to provide him work. Every summer he was given work in furniture dept where he has sweet memories of poet nishikanto and Rishabchandji .A calm quiet and thorough gentleman he was . My respects to him…
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