Dr. Ananda Reddy to receive the “Auro-Ratna Award” for 2013

Ananda Reddy

Dear Friends and Well-wishers of Overman Foundation,

Since its inception in March 2010 Overman Foundation has aimed to recognize the invaluable contribution of scholars, writers, researchers and workers of the Aurobindonian movement in various fields. For this purpose, the ‘Auro-Ratna Award’ was initiated to felicitate the ‘true children’ of the Divine, who, as defined by the Mother, are those few who have consecrated all of themselves and all they have soul, life, work and wealth. In 2010, the recipients of the first ‘Auro-Ratna Award’ were K. D. Sethna alias Amal Kiran, Prof. Arabinda Basu and Jugal Kishore Mukherjee; in 2011 the award was given to Robi Gupta, Dr. Kireet Joshi and Dr. Prithwindra Mukherjee and in 2012 the award was given to Dr. Prema Nandakumar and Shraddhavan of Auroville.

Today, on behalf of Overman Foundation, I take the opportunity to announce that the ‘Auro-Ratna Award’ for the year 2013 would be awarded to Dr. Ananda Reddy.

Born in 1947, Dr. Ananda Reddy joined the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, at the age of 11 years, in 1958. Born to a family of philosophies, his father Prof. V. Madhusudan Reddy, who did his PhD on Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy of evolution, brought him out to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and left him in the care of the Mother. From 1958 to 1969, Ananda Reddy was student of the Ashram School where he studied passionately most of the works of Sri Aurobindo. Inspired by the ideals of the New Consciousness and the New World, as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Ananda joined, with the Blessings of the Mother, Auroville. He looked after the Aspiration School in its initial stages until he went away in 1976 to Hyderabad to pursue higher studies. On completing his Masters in Literature and in Philosophy in 1978, he pursued his M.Phil at Osmania University with a view to attempt PhD in Sri Aurobindo’s thought. However, his aspiration was fulfilled only in 1988. He joined the Post-Doctoral studies and taught for almost two years at Pondicherry University in the Sri Aurobindo School of Eastern and Western thought. On getting an opportunity to teach philosophy at Assumption University, Bangkok, he left India and experienced teaching in a foreign university from 1992 to 1995. On his return to India, he started his dream project at Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Centre of Advanced Research (SACAR), in 1996. On 29th February 2000, SACAR was inaugurated by Nirodbaran. In 2008, the Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) invited SACAR to become its Recognised Research Centre for conducting different programmes in Sri Aurobindo Studies. Apart from conducting workshops and participating in International Seminars all over Europe and the United States, Dr. Reddy took regular classes for adults at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, giving them explanations of Sri Aurobindo’s books: The Life Divine, Savitri, Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita. Along with these classes, he also gave weekly classes at Savitri Bhavan, Auroville, on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s vision. He is at present the Director of SACAR and also looks after the Institute of Human Studies as its Chairman. Apart from his regular teaching at SACAR and Savitri Bhavan, he is also a teacher at “Knowledge”, the higher course division of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. His published works include titles like Deliberations on The Life Divine (Volumes I—IV), Management by Consciousness: The Mother’s Way and Madhumoyee Ma Antare Bahire etc.

It will be our privilege to hand over the ‘Auro-Ratna Award’, named after Sri Aurobindo, to Dr. Ananda Reddy who cherishes to be acknowledged as a sincere child of the Mother.

With warm regards,

Anurag Banerjee,

Founder and Chairman,

Overman Foundation.


28 Replies to “Dr. Ananda Reddy to receive the “Auro-Ratna Award” for 2013

  1. I am delighted to hear this. Anand is a dear friend and a great scholar who deserves this recognition.

    Rajiv Malhotra

  2. This is a great news! Convey my sincere Pronam to Dr. Ananda Reddy for his great work and achievements. Overman Foundation also deserves thanks for its great work.
    Pronam and Love

    Naba Krishna Muni

  3. It is a great news. Our heartiest congratulation and pranam to Dr Ananda Reddy. He is always great inspiration to us for treading the noble path of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Our thanks to Overman Foundation for this award. .

  4. Wonderful news. Ananda has been doing very important service in taking the Aurobindonian message to the younger generation. I am delighted.

    Prema Nandakumar

  5. Dear Ananda,

    I am happy to hear about your being honoured for your dedicated life-work as a sadhak of the Mother in the field of “Sri Aurobindo Studies” – just adding from here your merits in preparing and establishing Her footstool here in Berlin, your generous hospitality, your friend- and comradeship, all the joy and laughing we are having with you, etc., etc.


    I dearly hope you are fine as well and that you can – apart from your joyful duties – find also some joy in other, less tense fields and occupations.

    With love from Berlin – and a big hug to both of you!

  6. Dear Sir,

    It is with pleasure we welcome the grant of ‘Auro-Ratna’ award to Dr Ananda Reddy, an eminent spokesman of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts. Congratulations Ananda Sir!

    With warm regards,
    Sanjay Shirwalkar

  7. Dear Friend:

    At the mention of your name I always praise the work you are doing bringing the study of Sri Aurobindo into the universities. Departments of Philosophy will expand their consciousness down the line as Sri Aurobindo becomes required reading worldwide, one day and the voice of the future.

    Thank you Overman Foundation for putting Light on Ananda’s persevering efforts.


  8. Yery very happy news. Being an adult-class participant I am proud to be his student as well as friend and always received inspiration from him and also witnessed his endeavour in building up SACAR. He is indeed a true child…

  9. Dr. Reddy Congratulations on receiving the Auro-Ratna Award. With the type of work you do and all the work you do I could not think of any other person more deserving than you. Best Wishes and keep up the good work which is very necessary for humanity.

  10. Dada
    Congratulation Dada. Though I know these award and recognition are insignificant in front of your depth and vastness on subject. But you know all levels are to be connected and so should be in touch so you are given this award.

    Take care

  11. Dear Dr. Reddy

    Heartiest congratulations for the AURO RATNA award.
    Hope you will continue the Mother’s work with same energy and enthusiasm.

    best regards,
    Narendra Joshi

  12. Dear Anandbhai,

    You are truly worthy of this award. Thank you for all that you do to spread the words and blessings of Sri Aurobindu and the Mother.

    Like your predecessors of this award, you too have made extraordinary contributions in the field of education.

    Please accept my heartfelt appreciation.

    With best wishes,

    Suresh Mathur | COO
    JHM Hotels (India) | Auro University, Surat, Gujarat.

  13. Rev. Sir,

    Pranam. Thank you so much for sharing the good news of Auro Ratna award.You are one of the truest children of the Mother. CONGRATULATIONS!!

    charan singh

  14. Dear Ananda Reddy ,
    I am gratified to be informed by you personally about the good news..
    I am naturally delighted that this high honour has been bestowed upon you which you so richly deserve !
    Please convey my feeling of exhilaration to all your friends , admirers and near and dear ones..
    Please keep up the Good work !
    Best wishes
    Surendra singh

  15. Dearest Ananda,

    We couldn’t think of anyone else who mores deserves this award, especially as you work with the flame of Sri Aurobindo and Mother behind all your actions, with the ideal of sharing your enthusiasm.

    We send you our love.



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